
The object of the EDFF is to take the dis out of disability through the encouragement, promotion and development of fly fishing, for competition and recreation amongst disabled people so as to enable them to compete and integrate with able-bodied people.

How did it all begin?

About Us
In 1980 a group of disabled anglers from the Leicester area took part in a friendly International fly fishing match at the Lake of Menteith, a few miles west of Stirling in Scotland, together with teams of disabled anglers from Scotland and Wales. As a result of this match taking place, it was decided to hold an annual International match, to include Ireland, with each country hosting it in rotation.

Later that same year England formed an association to organise and manage the England team, and to raise funds to run the event, when it was their turn to host the International. Thus the English Disabled Fly Fishers Association (EDFF) was founded.

The original committee was set up and contained a couple of disabled anglers. Now all but 4 members of the committee are disabled.

Events per year
EDFF Members

Become an EDFF member

Join a great bunch of like minded fun to be with anglers.

The Association is open to any angler, whether disabled or not, and the Associate (able bodied) members assist with the less mobile anglers to ensure that their visit is as beneficial as possible.

Rutland Waters is now recognised as the ‘home’ of the EDFF after the demise of Eyebrook. Rutland being one of a few disable friendly waters in England.

Events per year
EDFF Members

I have been involved with the EDFF for about 10 years and was introduced to them through Ian Bradfield, i get great enjoyment at helping each and every member having an enjoyable day out on the waters.

we have a great laugh and a few fish are a bonus

Shaun Higgins

A Helper to the EDFF

A friendlier bunch of people you would be hard pressed to meet with differing disabilities and able bodied assistance available, but all driven with the same objective to enjoy a day out in the fresh air and in good company to hopefully catch a few hard fighting fish on many of our wonderful local stillwater trout fisheries.

Andy Miller Andy Miller

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